Friday 24 August 2012

Bangles, Henna and Sheer Khurma!

Okay, we know what I'm talking about right now. Eiiiidd! And we all love Eid ul Fitr after Ramadan and its so exciting to see all the festivities especially on chand raat. and I think Eid ul fitr always kinda like reminds me of so many colors and glitter of the bangles and henna. The lights and the sheer khurma are delightful and exciting but we should also not forget or stop doing the good deeds we did in Ramadan and continue them all year.
Speaking of henna, I also got it done on my hand!
And I also wrote the name of my blog- with henna!
I wore a pretty turquoise green pleated dress on the first day and white on the second and third days and I absolutely loved them.

I love how you wake up and you know its Eid and you have Sheer Khurma for breakfast. Yumm.!!
What do you love about Eid? Comment below! Let me know how your Eid went.
Stay beautiful<3


  1. wow, amazing henna "tatoo" !!

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    Maybe if you want, you could visit my blog too, and if you like it,
    follow me back ;)

  2. thankyou!
    and sure! your blogs so cool! :)
