Tuesday 6 August 2013

Day 5 + Day 6

Okay, first of all, I know I have missed a few days but I'm gonna do a combined post today. Where have I been? Well, for starters I was busy shopping. Then, the flu had to pop up so I was sneezing like crazy.
Day 5 is: A book you love
Well, I haven't been reading any kinda novel since quiet a while, probably 'cause after my exams, I actually wanted to take a break from books. That being said, I do love love love reading. I think, it brings you into another world, a new dimension, another land.
My favorite book, has to be Like the flowing river by Paulo Coelho. It is not a whole novel but it has short stories and is ohsomotivational. I read it like quiet a while ago but it truly is amazing. Other books like The Alchemist, Veronika decides to die and the Valkyries are also pretty cool, by the same author.

Day 6: MY favorite season and why
This definitely has to be Summer, because that's when hitting the beach, discovering more products, schools out time, shopping time, eat more ice cream time all comes forth. Now that summer is almost coming to an end, I am truly disturbed -_-.
Also, winter, because that's when you hop into your lazy couch, become a couch potato, chuck on your favorite fluffy blankee, have a ginormous bowl of dried fruit in your lap, the mild smell  of mocha/cappuchino/latte, watching your favourite movie, while you have an awesome moisturising body lotion/butter on your feet. When I was a kid, I really didn't actually like it but know Ido <3
 Until next post,

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