With the coming of the new year, also comes back to school(not so cool)
So 2012 has been crazy. Really crazy. I wouldnt say it was awful, but it went not so good and not as expected. Trust me, you do not wanna know my story of getting stuck with a bunch of morons.
Though, 2012 has been nuts but i can proudly say that i have had an awesome time and have learnt a huge lot. I have got to know so much more about everything, that it is almost unimaginable. I have got know people so much more; the truth about them, the reality, the true personality(the real face theyve been hiding since forever) and the true colours. -And, 2012 made me a wannabe philosopher. Yayy. Anyhow, i do hope 2013 turns out to be a great year for everyone (and our country too) In sha Allah.
What i wanna do in this coming year is to focus(-i suck at that) and you know, do good.
So HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone(dude the networks are off so we cant text :/)
And there is another post coming up stay tuned for that:)
Haha, i wont tell what its about now *raises eyebrow*
Monday, 31 December 2012
2012 going on 2013
Monday, 10 December 2012
Lash curler, lip balm, blush, go!
So i am pretty bored right npw and i know that im not blogging since ages. I ve been pretty busy with school and plus right now i m having exams. Boo. But no worries i am not studying right now and since the past two days. I mean come on i am supposed to take advantage of a gap before the exams plus the (long) weekend, right? And surprisindly enough, the stuff mentioned in the title, yeah i used them after quite a while. I am in the car, and blabbing all this from my phone. Did i mention, i am bloggingfrom my phone for the first time, otherwise i use my laptop for blabbing on the blog.
Well, thats it for now, have an online frosted cupcake from me. :)
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Oh, Rain
So I had my moms special Bana-Chocolate Fudge cake for breakfast this morning, and thought about doing a blog post, not caring that I have fat books to study from. Bana? A short form I created for banana. Love the combo of chocolate and banana. Yumm
Ok enough of 'yumm talk' now, seriously Olive Oil, stop now.
Moving back to the topic, the rains last week were unforgettable. I think July's supposed to be the monsoon season but sadly enough it didn't rain all July and all August. But better late than never, isn't it?
Every morning on my way to school I used to see the dark, scary clouds and wish for it to rain, but it didn't. Instead it always did on the unexpected day.
Last Tuesday, I think it was the funnest day ever, we were in class and it started raining. and I was near the window! Yess! Staring continuously out the window, not caring at all what the teachers are blabbing.
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I could only take two, because I was busy enjoying the rain. Yes. |
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Rain is:
Good Bye and I'll see you next time.
-Till then, have a cupcake with pink frosting and chocolate chips. :)
And that little cartoon at the top? Errr, yeah, I made that on my planning sheets. Yeah.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Fun Stuff ! :)
Hey guys! I know I haven't posted in quite a while as I was busy with a couple of things lately and I'm gonna hit you with some really exciting news and what I've been up to and busy with in the past few days.
So we were given an assignment in art to make our own little portfolios. Eeee! OMG you guys! I'm so excited! We were given 10 days to do and complete it. I kinda spent most of the days on pre planning because i think this makes things a whole lot easier and its a great way to stay organised.
The whole point of this portfolio was to actually make it reflect your personality and doing things that are 'you' and your style.
So this is what it looks like!
And you can see it so ME :). The top side reflects my crazy side and I've done a lot of printing on there. And the collage which I actually like to call 'my me collage' has all things me and it has the big significant B of Blogger and also the name of my blog. I put some polka dots on top of it and if you look at it closely, I added a little braid detailing on the side.
Here it is, work in progress!
So I guess that's it for now and I'm ticking 'write blog post' box from my to do list because I had planned on doing one since morning so yaaayy! and Byee!
The whole point of this portfolio was to actually make it reflect your personality and doing things that are 'you' and your style.
So this is what it looks like!
And you can see it so ME :). The top side reflects my crazy side and I've done a lot of printing on there. And the collage which I actually like to call 'my me collage' has all things me and it has the big significant B of Blogger and also the name of my blog. I put some polka dots on top of it and if you look at it closely, I added a little braid detailing on the side.
Here it is, work in progress!
So I guess that's it for now and I'm ticking 'write blog post' box from my to do list because I had planned on doing one since morning so yaaayy! and Byee!
Friday, 24 August 2012
Olive Oil enters High School + The Dumb Dees
Okay so this is totally different and as you guys know I'm a freshman in high school and I must say its really weird cum exciting. all the things that mattered in middle school, don't anymore. Its a totally different experience.
Ok so I walk in and I walk to the right side which is the high school side(-yaayy) and I feel like an adult already! I see my name in the little lists they've put up with a bunch of friends- and guess what, I'm in a creeeepy section. Yeap, a creepy one. D. We find out who our teachers are. I don't feel so great in those weird people until art class.
I've already mentioned that I used chalk pastels for the first time in my 14th Aug post. Check it out here---> http://strokesofsunshine.blogspot.com/2012/08/green-white-and-pakistan.html and dude were they fun!?!
Haaha, look at my hands! So... err, colorful!
I feel really crazy right now, posting this picture, but whatever.
So the first day was kinda weird, not knowing a soul in your section but knowing they're all freaks
Desperate wannabes, indecently fake and unfriendly people. But I think its not that bad and the rest of the days I didnt feel that disgusted as I did on the first day. I just don't like a few there but other than that its all fine.:D
So I guess thats it for now and leave a comment about your first days of school and I'll see you next time :)
Bangles, Henna and Sheer Khurma!
Okay, we know what I'm talking about right now. Eiiiidd! And we all love Eid ul Fitr after Ramadan and its so exciting to see all the festivities especially on chand raat. and I think Eid ul fitr always kinda like reminds me of so many colors and glitter of the bangles and henna. The lights and the sheer khurma are delightful and exciting but we should also not forget or stop doing the good deeds we did in Ramadan and continue them all year.
Speaking of henna, I also got it done on my hand!
And I also wrote the name of my blog- with henna!
I wore a pretty turquoise green pleated dress on the first day and white on the second and third days and I absolutely loved them.
I love how you wake up and you know its Eid and you have Sheer Khurma for breakfast. Yumm.!!
What do you love about Eid? Comment below! Let me know how your Eid went.
Stay beautiful<3
Speaking of henna, I also got it done on my hand!
And I also wrote the name of my blog- with henna!
I wore a pretty turquoise green pleated dress on the first day and white on the second and third days and I absolutely loved them.
I love how you wake up and you know its Eid and you have Sheer Khurma for breakfast. Yumm.!!
What do you love about Eid? Comment below! Let me know how your Eid went.
Stay beautiful<3
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Green, White and Pakistan ;)
14th August. Yeaap we've all heard about it and celebrated independence every year. But it's really weird that every year our celebrations are not as fun and patriotic as the last ones. Its like we dont care about it as much as we used to before, probably because of the current situations. We're not so enthusiastc about it. The flag, the green one with the little star and crescent actually show who we are and it shines, sparkles and glows in the air with pride.
So I was happy -because of 14 Aug and also that i had to go out shopping.(yayy). Suprisingly, I woke up early and turned on the tv and it was bombarded with fun 14th of August stuff. Songs, shows and all that jazz. Sadly enough I dont like the fact that they dont make any new patriotic and *love your country* kinda songs and shows. There are no new songs! :( On the happy side, its a great coincidence that this day was 25th Ramadan which was the same day Pakistan got independence in the lunar calendar.
As I went shopping, I saw flags on peoples cars flags at stores and stuff. I saw fewer people wearing green, though. I also made a little art project the day before which had a fusion of colors and I used chalk pastels for the first time. And i discovered they were soo powdery and chalky, but they were better than my expectations.
This is just something I did a year or two before on 23rd March when we had a match and I think its super patriotic to go on there and stroke some paint on your face to show how much you love your country.
See, even Google was happy :)
I know it is pretty weird to post this stuff after 14th Aug- but hey we should be patriotic throughout the year rather than just loving your country only on national holidays or just twice or thrice a year.
A little message:
Be Proud
Be Pure
Be Pur Umeed (hopeful)
Be Passionate
Be Perceptive
Be Perfect
Be Pakistani! <3
So I was happy -because of 14 Aug and also that i had to go out shopping.(yayy). Suprisingly, I woke up early and turned on the tv and it was bombarded with fun 14th of August stuff. Songs, shows and all that jazz. Sadly enough I dont like the fact that they dont make any new patriotic and *love your country* kinda songs and shows. There are no new songs! :( On the happy side, its a great coincidence that this day was 25th Ramadan which was the same day Pakistan got independence in the lunar calendar.
As I went shopping, I saw flags on peoples cars flags at stores and stuff. I saw fewer people wearing green, though. I also made a little art project the day before which had a fusion of colors and I used chalk pastels for the first time. And i discovered they were soo powdery and chalky, but they were better than my expectations.
This is just something I did a year or two before on 23rd March when we had a match and I think its super patriotic to go on there and stroke some paint on your face to show how much you love your country.
See, even Google was happy :)
I know it is pretty weird to post this stuff after 14th Aug- but hey we should be patriotic throughout the year rather than just loving your country only on national holidays or just twice or thrice a year.
A little message:
Be Proud
Be Pure
Be Pur Umeed (hopeful)
Be Passionate
Be Perceptive
Be Perfect
Be Pakistani! <3
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
Lemony Beauty
Heyy girlies! So today we'll be talking about
We all have this round yellow globe of benefits
lying in our fridges and we probably get this stuff whenever we do
our groceries and we always think of it as a flavor enhancer for our food. But
its also great out of the kitchen, and a natural beauty product.
1. Skin:
Its a great cleanser, especially if you have oily skin. It
helps rejuvenate and relax your skin without out drying it out,
removing the dirt and oil from your skin. You can also mix honey and
rosewater with lemon juice and apply it to your face for 10-15 minutes
and wash it off with cold water. The antioxidant properties in this
stuff will give you a healthy glow you always wanted.
If you have acne prone skin, this stuff is gonna be your
lifesaver, you can use it as a toner and apply it to the acne area or your
entire face in your nightly skincare routine. the acidic properties in this bad
boy will get rid of the icky stuff. Don't worry about the itchy sensation at
first, it'll go away soon.:)
Its also very effective for healing sunburns:)
2. Hair
Lemon juice can be a great conditioner for your hair. Rinse
your hair with this after you shampoo to add a beautiful shine and
3. Teeth
Its great for healing toothaches strengthening gums and
whitening teeth, so smile with pride!
So I hope you enjoyed these little tips and tricks and found
them helpful. Take care and I'll see you next time
Stay beautiful <3
Saturday, 4 August 2012
So as you know I love love love baking and all that fun stuff. As a matter of fact I'm more into desserts rather than the main courses and snack stuff. So I'm a reaally big dessert person and its something that gets me super excited. And guess what I'm gonna talk about right now?
*drum roll*
And who doesn't love that?
Yummm. And what i absolutely love about a no-bake cheesecake is that its just hassle free and easy to do. especially if you dont like the oven menace. You might as well *not* do it in your kitchen! weird right?
I used strawberry syrup and condensed milk to glam up mine. I love the extra richness the condensed milk adds to the delicious, all-rich, delightful scrumptious peace of heavenly cheesecake!
Photography by: Hafsa S Siddiqi
*drum roll*
And who doesn't love that?
Yummm. And what i absolutely love about a no-bake cheesecake is that its just hassle free and easy to do. especially if you dont like the oven menace. You might as well *not* do it in your kitchen! weird right?
I used strawberry syrup and condensed milk to glam up mine. I love the extra richness the condensed milk adds to the delicious, all-rich, delightful scrumptious peace of heavenly cheesecake!
Photography by: Hafsa S Siddiqi
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
The Fragrance Tag ;)
Hey everyone! So I recently got tagged in the fragrance tag and I've also been obsessed with tags. I think they let you get to know the person a whole lot better and they let yo know about the little-(and silly) details about the person. And I'm planning on doing more tags like the nail tag or other beauty and random tags. So let me know if you guys are interested in reading more tags or if you want me to do any specific tags.
1. Fruity, floral, warm, spicy, or food smell? I think my all time go-to would be fruity and floral ones. But it all depends on the season, if its the fall or winter I'd take warm or cinnamony scents and now is summer so I really like fruity and fun scents.
2. Body spray or perfume? Perfumee all the wayy! Because I think perfumes are more longlasting and diverse and versatile. Because they last more longer than bodysprays and theyre more scented.
3. Whats your all time favorite perfume? Hot by United Colors of Benetton
4. Whats your all time favorite body spray? Probably the She is Crazy bodyspray
5. What are fragrance are you wearing right now? Exotic Garden by Fa
So I hope you enjoyed this tag and let me know your answers in the comments below. and if you have any beauty
requests feel free to comment and I'll talk to you next time. Byee :)
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
Hypocrisy, Diplomacy and Indecency
I dont think I wanna write an intro because the name pretty much suggests what this is about. I've recently been really annoyed and yet stunned by peoples' dual personalities, that how they say one thing and do the opposite of that. Or they're not the same person for everyone, they have multiple personalities or theyre two faced. for example if someone says that "OMG, I hate her and I never talk to her" an act all disgusted by that *her*'s name. But the next moment they'll be all chitty-chatty and friends with *her*. And that'll make you wonder that is she lying to you or the other person? Which one of her double personalities is the real; or is any? These questions just pop into your head and you're confused and you wanna beware. Been there, done that. Okay, now enough of the example, back to the topic. These people are so diplomatic and the the most hypocritical thing about them is that they'll have multiple opinions about something to different people, to some they'll say that they hate something and to others they'll say that they love it. So basically they do not do what they say and they change themselves for peoples liking but end up being hated. I'm sure everyone has heard the line "I hate two faced people, i dont know which one to slap first" and that's exactly how I feel right now. And sometimes, behind a pretty picture perfect face, there is one ugly personality..
I get really frustrated when come across such people and it makes me think which 'face' of theirs is their real self and true. So let me know in the comments below if you've come across such people and how you reacted to them, I'd love to read your views:D
^And excuse the girly example up there, I know, I hate drama too :O
Dont forget to follow and stay tuned and I'll talk to you later, Bye :)
I get really frustrated when come across such people and it makes me think which 'face' of theirs is their real self and true. So let me know in the comments below if you've come across such people and how you reacted to them, I'd love to read your views:D
^And excuse the girly example up there, I know, I hate drama too :O
Dont forget to follow and stay tuned and I'll talk to you later, Bye :)
Friday, 20 July 2012
My first post :)
So I am writing this post and am really really excited for it and my blog(-of course). So, whats this gonna be about?, my inspiration and all the answers are gonna be here:D
I love love love art. Its like a chocolate lava cupcake for me(-Yumm!). Yep, every form of it. Be it DIY, writing, reading, painting or sketching. I really enjoy it. Art, for me is like the best way to express yourself. Whenever I wanna express something, like how I'm feeling, I'll always paint or draw or write or maybe just consider DIY, I mean how awesome is that to create your own personalized stuff?!?
So yeah, this blog is gonna be all about the stuff I talked about above. Most importantly, its gonna be about creativity and being your own self.
So don't forget to comment, follow and stay tuned for more posts :D
-And Hey, I'm sending you an online piece of yummy chocolate cake<3
I love love love art. Its like a chocolate lava cupcake for me(-Yumm!). Yep, every form of it. Be it DIY, writing, reading, painting or sketching. I really enjoy it. Art, for me is like the best way to express yourself. Whenever I wanna express something, like how I'm feeling, I'll always paint or draw or write or maybe just consider DIY, I mean how awesome is that to create your own personalized stuff?!?
So yeah, this blog is gonna be all about the stuff I talked about above. Most importantly, its gonna be about creativity and being your own self.
So don't forget to comment, follow and stay tuned for more posts :D
-And Hey, I'm sending you an online piece of yummy chocolate cake<3
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